
Treat Your Customers Like “Jerks” - They’ll Love It!

The 1979 Steve Martin movie, The Jerk, contains a teachable moment relevant to variable data printing…people love to feel like The Jerk. Albeit, in some limited fashion.

In one scene, Martin’s character, Navin R. Johnson, is a gas station attendant. Navin interrupts a conversation with the gas station owner when he sees a man delivering telephone directories. Snatching a directory out of the man’s hand, Navin rips through it and begins leaping for joy and shouting, “The new phone books are here! The new phone books are here!” The station owner stares at Navin and comments that he wished he could that excited over nothing. Wildly gesturing at the phone book, Navin shoots back, “Nothing?! Are you kidding?! Page 73. Johnson…Navin…R…I’m somebody, now!”

I’m somebody, now!

That’s the feeling you can produce in people with personalization using VDP. Make them feel like The Jerk.

How do you feel when you get mail addressed to “Occupant” or “Current Resident”? This is so ego-deflating that the message may be irrelevant. Then, you get the mail with your name in the address line but otherwise sterile and impersonal.

I’m somebody, now!

That’s how you should feel when you get a personalized piece with your name on the front and something that connects with you personally be it text, images or both. The message might be as simple as, “John, we love [fill in the blank] as much as you do.” Combined with an appropriate image, you have a very high likelihood of creating an I-am-somebody-now moment for that person. You made the person feel like The Jerk and developed an emotional connection with him or her.

Make your customers feel like Jerks. They’ll love it. Then, show them how easy and rewarding it can be for them to make their customers feel like Jerks. You get the point.

I’m somebody, now!

We never expected to say this, but…

We make it easy for you to make your customers feel like Jerks with our EZ-VDP services - www.DigitalFormattingServices.com

The movie trailer is here:

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