This is a tough time to be in the printing business. Business is sluggish and new competition seems to pop up everyday. Adding new services, like web site design, is not always easy or inexpensive. However, an old solution that has eluded many print shop owners may actually be the answer for new business…variable data printing.
Here’s a lighthearted look at a prescription for the challenges of VDP:
One printer who treated his problems with EZ-VDP told us: "I've gotten almost $10,000 in business from this customer in the last five months. When he came to me, I didn't know how I was going do his job. If I hadn’t found your EZ-VDP service, I couldn't have done it."
With EZ-VDP, you can sell and print VDP jobs without having to be a VDP expert…or buying and learning any new software. Use it simply as a way to do in-house addressing and mailing or to deliver fully personalized print jobs.
See why EZ-VDP is your prescription for more business and profits...
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