
Move Beyond Order Taking

When you go the computer store…yes, to buy a new computer…do you want to be waited on by the clerk who says:

Clerk #1 “Tell me which box of stuff you want me to drag out of the store room”, or
Clerk #2 “Tell me what your needs are and I’ll tell you what might be the best choices”?

Even if you are certain what computer model you want, you might happily engage clerk #2 to affirm your choice and check whether you might have overlooked something.

Your customers would probably rather deal with someone like clerk #2 when it comes to printing as well. They likely have a good idea of what they want. However, they might like affirmation that they are making the best choice for the purpose and the price. It’s not a matter of telling them what to do or how to do it, it’s a matter of building confidence and credibility for you. But how?

When the opportunity permits, why not simply offer some simple education or information about different printing concepts? Your points, of course, will all relate to services you provide. Even if the customer has no immediate need, you have accomplished two things: 1) increased your credibility (and the customer’s confidence) and 2) planted the seeds for future opportunities.

Consider the following educational points: 
  • Increasing document security through printing
  • Delivering more focused messages
  • Expanding address lists
  • Using gender or demographic marketing
  • Getting more response
  • Personalizing a business for customers

The easiest and fastest way to convey the points may be to give the customer a sample of a printed piece that demonstrates your point. Visual aids are always good, and leaving the piece creates a reminder.

Most likely, your competition isn’t talking or can’t talk to your customers about these types of things. This gives you the opportunity to be the de facto expert for your customers…and more like clerk #2. There’s a fair chance your customer may never find the need for any of these techniques. However, when a question about printing comes up, the customer is more likely to count on you for an answer.

Isn’t that the way you want it?

If you need more information on how to be more than an order taker, give us a call. We’re glad to help.

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